Sanjay Sundaran Nair

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Category: Business & Finances

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United Arab Emirates

Sanjay Sundaran Nair Reviews

SANJAY S NAIR June 12, 2010
Collections harrasement
Sir / Madam,

I had a loan with Rbs bank which I closed last Saturday and I have received the clearance letter today.
Thanks for the same.

This is to bring to your notice about the harassment done by one of your collections agent who introduces himself as Anish.
He used to call me from 055 5932983 and 04 4086588.

He has the habit of calling my home country number even when I am in UAE. I am contactable on my mobile on 99.9% of the occasions .

The recent incident happened when I was in India on an emergency leave. He called up my home country and spoke to me in a rude tone. Later his colleugue spoke to me on behalf of him immediately I kept the phone and I promised to make the payment on 30 th may, the day I was to be back in Dubai. Again this anish calls me on the home country on 29 th May and was asking me for the payment. I told him that it is discussed and finalised for 30 th when your colleague called me on your behalf with your knowledge.

Again this anish called my home country on 30 th may and I was not at home as I was travelling on 29 th night. The payment was made by me as promised on 30 th may itself.

You may please check my history as for the past nearly 2 years, one payment of 1300 dhs is made between 24 th and 31 st of every month. He is also aware of the same. I always give a commitment for the date and not with time. Say if I say i will make it on 26 th, he should wait till 26 th evening and if not made then he should call me and ask . Instead he calls me at 9.15 am and harasses me asking why the payment is not made. 9.15 am is just early working hours of the morning and he should have the sense to understand . This cannot be called as a reminder call as you may check the recordings.

Kindly check the number of calls he has made to my home country this month itself inspite of speaking to me in my home country number. I told him that my parents are sick and not to call me again and again as the same is already discussed and finalised with his colleugue.Finally I told him on 29 th may that I will have to complain against you if you call my home country again without a valid reason. He said no problem, go ahead.You may please check the recording.

Hence I have no option but to register a complaint with you. Kindly look into the matter and take necessary corrective action against him. He behaves as if he has something personal against me. I would be thankful if I am informed what action has been taken against him.

( 050 2252680)

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